Assistive Technology

Screen shot 2015-04-19 at 4.20.12 PMThis assignment found us creating a powerpoint showcasing our computers universal access capabilities. We were given different student scenarios and with our computers had to modify a website to meet their needs. I changed the color contrast on my computer screen to allow a low vision student better visibility. I also magnified the website to allow the student better visibility as well. I learned that you can set sounds for certain keys to alert students when that key is pushed. We also had to use pictures, words and sound to create several slides. Our words had to start with the same letter. I chose boy, ball, bike and baby. These are all words that emphasize the letter b and the sound it makes. I recorded myself saying each word and embedding it into my powerpoint. This can be a great tool to help students with a vision disability. They might not always be able to hear the words but they can associate through sound. Providing pictures as well as the word works well with students who might struggle with hearing but not vision. Associating a word with a picture is a great way to help students learn words.

Until this assignment I had no idea that all this technology was available on my computer for universal access. I currently have a child in my class who has special needs. He can see and hear extremely well but he does struggle with reading. I think showing him words, pictures of those words and letting him hear how those words sound could greatly benefit his reading. In fact I think this could greatly benefit any struggling reader. I also have a child in my class who has extreme difficulty seeing the board. We are pretty sure she needs glasses. Using the zoom feature would be a great way to increase her visibility in seeing the smart board. These features provide some great assistive technology for those who need it. If you would like to see how these features can actually work click on the link below to view my powerpoint on assistive technology.


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